Tag Archives: eating disorder awareness

End fat talk

End fat takllk week was in October apparently, but I just came across this today.
I feel like sharing. It’s a good video and I think end fat talk week should be all year around.

Enjoy the video.

Oh, and to all of you struggling: I know how hard it is to even end this stupid fat talk towards our own. I do it each and every day and I try hard to get rid of this self-destruction. It is just not that easy, but we all need to remember that we are not alone.
This is why i also want to say thank you, to all who have shown support on here and I am positive, that we can all get through this and become healthy inside and out. we just need to find and learn to rely, accept and love ourselves. As hard as it sounds, I think that is the only thing that can heal us and it asks for a lot of work. We can win this.

Chins up, girls!


Filed under Ups

Our Body Image and View of Beauty

Where do we find true Beauty??
Only in ourselves!
Don’t let unrealistic views become your ideal. Neither have them judge over you.

Everyone is beautiful. Everyone is pretty. We are special and unique.
PLUS, we have a brain and we use it. 🙂

Check the Website of the Dove Self Esteem Foundation. It has great video streams and information 🙂

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Filed under eating disorders, My thoughts and fears


My attention got drawn to this article:


I don’t know this magazine, but it is popular press as I believe and I hate these kind of magazines.
These stories always show one side and of course the celeb in its midth is the one getting the attention. Which is fine, BUT if it is about something so serious like Bulimia it just makes me sad.

Bulimia is not a choice.
Of course the media and those stupid ideals in our societies preach us that we have to be perfect and thin and all that, BUT (again) Bulimia is a mental illness and the Body image part is just one facette of it. It is so sad to read this, because there is this young, pretty girl who suffers from Bulimia, but there is no sentence about what Bulimia is REALLY about.
I wished the media and those sources in specific would raise more awareness on this matter just so that people around us start understanding and can eventually be of help.

I am angry.


Filed under eating disorders